

My name is Treasure Bowie and I’m a sophomore majoring in Business Management and minoring in entrepreneurial studies. I’ve always wanted to work for myself and be my own boss so I felt that this major fit perfect for me. My hobbies include clothing designing, makeup, and also dance. Love the factors of being able to create my own work of art!


  1. Hi Bowie, it's nice to meet you. I'm also an artist aswell or atleast a hobbist. I always was instrested in cloth design, but kinda back out since I'm a dude and alot of men fanashion isn't all that expressive for someone like me. I too love to dance aswell! I'm also a sophomore, but I'm just majoring in Graphic Design. The type of art I do is cartoons and animation, with some digital art and video games on the side.

  2. Hi Treasure, nice to meet you. My name is Antonio and i'm a sophomore as well and i'm majoring in Computer Engineering. I also want to be my own boss and run my own business on the side always good to have multiple sources of income, i also play football at JCSU and like everyone else i can't wait to get back on campus. as far as video games what games do you play? and have you made any tattoos ? if so could you draw a idea for me ?

  3. Hi Treasure! I love that you want to be your own boss. I noticed that you have quite a few hobbies, do you have one that you prefer over the rest? I agree that Business Management is the perfect major for someone who wants to own multiple businesses. Have you thought about minoring in Entrepreneurship? I believe it'll only be an additional two or three courses.

  4. Nice to meet you ! It’s crazy I didn’t know this website could even have decorations as yours did. That gave me ideas. I didn’t think about being creative with it.
    Designing clothes and becoming familiar with business management related together well. I can connect with the dancing only because our school made me take ballet 🤣.
    Nice meeting you !

    1. Hi Unknown! Please change your comment name—I don’t know who you are—and can’t give you the points for this assignment. Thank you!

  5. Hi, Treasure. Nice knowing you like to be your own boss. You can make your own money and do whatever you want. I also like to dance. I also like to get my makeup done. Maybe one day I’ll be getting my makeup done by you. Nice meeting you.


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